Anabolic steroid use among high school students is on the rise, with potentially severe consequences. This article takes a closer look at the dangers of anabolic steroid use in high schoolers, including its impact on physical and mental health, academic performance, and future prospects. Learn about the warning signs and risks of steroid use, and how to address this growing problem in high schools across the country.

Anabolic steroids are a class of synthetic drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone in the body. They are typically used to enhance athletic performance, build muscle mass, and improve physical appearance. However, their use comes with serious health risks, especially for high school students.

In recent years, anabolic steroid use among high school students has become a growing problem. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 3.3% of high school seniors reported using anabolic steroids in 2020, up from 2.5% in 2019. This trend is alarming, given the potential consequences of steroid use for young, developing bodies and minds.

The Physical Risks of Anabolic Steroid Use

One of the most significant risks of anabolic steroid use among high schoolers is the impact on physical health. Steroids can cause a range of adverse effects, including acne, hair loss, and liver damage. They can also disrupt normal hormonal balance, leading to stunted growth, decreased fertility, and an increased risk of certain cancers.

Moreover, steroid use can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes. This risk is especially pronounced in young people, who may be more vulnerable to the negative effects of steroids on the heart and blood vessels. Additionally, anabolic steroid use can lead to muscle and joint injuries, as well as chronic pain and inflammation.

The Mental and Emotional Risks of Anabolic Steroid Use

In addition to physical risks, anabolic steroid use can also have serious mental and emotional consequences. Steroid users may experience mood swings, irritability, and aggressive behavior, commonly referred to as “roid rage.” They may also develop depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems, as steroid use can disrupt the delicate balance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Moreover, steroid use can affect cognitive function, including memory and attention span. This can lead to academic problems, including poor grades, reduced motivation, and difficulty focusing in class. In the long term, steroid use can also have a negative impact on career prospects, as many employers and universities now test for steroid use and view it as a serious red flag.

The Warning Signs of Anabolic Steroid Use in High Schoolers

Parents, teachers, and coaches should be aware of the warning signs of anabolic steroid use in high school students. These may include:

  • Rapid muscle growth or weight gain
  • Increased acne or oily skin
  • Hair loss or growth
  • Changes in mood or behavior, including increased aggression
  • Difficulty sleeping or increased lethargy
  • Changes in appetite or eating habits
  • Decreased academic performance or motivation

If you suspect that a high school student is using anabolic steroids, it is important to take action. Talk to the student about the risks and consequences of steroid use, and seek help from a medical professional or addiction specialist if necessary. Educate other students, parents, and coaches about the dangers of steroid use, and advocate for policies and prevention programs in schools to address this issue.

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Prevention is key when it comes to anabolic steroid use in high schoolers. Educating students, parents, and coaches about the risks of steroid use and the importance of healthy, natural approaches to fitness and performance is crucial. Schools should also implement policies and programs to deter steroid use, such as drug testing and educational campaigns.

For students who have already started using steroids, intervention is necessary to address the problem and prevent further harm. This may involve counseling, medical treatment, and support from family and friends. In some cases, legal consequences may be necessary to deter continued steroid use and protect the health and safety of the student and those around them.

The Role of Parents and Coaches

Parents and coaches play a crucial role in preventing anabolic steroid use in high school students. They should educate themselves about the dangers of steroids and be vigilant for signs of use among their children or athletes. They should also encourage healthy, natural approaches to fitness and performance, and emphasize the importance of hard work, dedication, and patience.

Parents and coaches should also have open, honest conversations with their children or athletes about steroid use and the risks involved. They should listen to their concerns and be supportive, while also setting clear boundaries and consequences for steroid use. By working together, parents, coaches, and students can prevent anabolic steroid use and promote a culture of health and safety in high schools across the country. It’s important for high schoolers to look at safe and natural alternatives to steroids. Learn more here.


Anabolic steroid use among high school students is a serious problem with potentially severe consequences. It can impact physical and mental health, academic performance, and future prospects. However, with education, prevention, and intervention, we can address this issue and protect the health and well-being of our young people. By working together, we can promote a culture of health and safety in our schools and communities, and help our students achieve their full potential without resorting to dangerous and harmful substances.